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Frequently Asked Questions

How does the RedDriver software work?

We setup each tool to fit your business needs. Whether it's lead generation, automated and manual customer messaging, social media planning, appointment calendars, website and funnel creation/maintenance, and more. We sit down with you and your team to explain step-by-step on how to leverage each tool to your advantage, with simple instructions and strategies. We're also available 24/7 to troubleshoot or assist any issue you have.

Do you accept refunds if I'm not satisfied?

Yes. If at any point in your journey with RedDriver you're unsatisfied with our tools and services, you can immediately cancel the service and request a refund for your latest transaction.

What specific motorsports experience do you have?

I've worked with brands in motorsports broadcasting for a decade - along with apparel, manufacturing, distribution, vehicle maintenance, content creation, driver coaching, and sim racing. I also began my journey as a driver and content creator in motorsports, then transitioned into marketing specialist and monetization expert roles, working with the biggest companies in the motorsports industry.

How will you tailor your strategies to our motorsports brand?

First, we need to understand your business model, product offering, customer demographics and competition to build a strategic roadmap. Once we've done that, we select the appropriate solutions that fit your needs and financial bandwidth.

How will you increase attendance at our race track?

Some of our strategies include: targeting audience demographics using lookalike audiences within your regional area. We position your owned and paid social media to audiences that are most likely to patronize your events. We will also place your website and event information pages above competitors in search results within your region to increase online traffic from families and individuals looking for something to do on the weekend.

How do I get more sponsorships in motorsports?

Understand what you're up against. You're not just competing with other racers on the track, but off the track too, as well as every other marketing service online like google ads and search, facebook ads, youtube, etc. Take advantage of what most racers ignore: social media and analytics. Businesses with a marketing budget are diverting capital to online marketing more and more each year, simply due to trackable data. Don't just sell yourself as just a "young, up-and-coming racer". Sell yourself as a business, treat your social media presence as a key asset that sponsors can leverage, and most importantly, focus on what you can do for that sponsor, and not what it can do for you.

When speaking to a sponsor, focus on your online engagements, view counts, demographics and growth rate. Understand deeply what the value of your audience can do for a sponsor, and target sponsors that have the highest likelihood of audience/customer crossover.

How do you plan to engage our motorsports audience and build a fanbase?

What digital channels do you recommend for our motorsports business?

Before choosing a social media channel to leverage, you need to identify key demographic info from your current and ideal customer base. Most businesses in domestic motorsports cater to middle to upper-middle class 35-55 year-old males in middle America. interests include recreational motorsports and automotive hobbyists. If your customer base falls on the higher age-range, Facebook is your best bet to leverage. If you cater to a younger audience, Twitter/X, Instagram and TikTok are your best bets. YouTube is also a powerful platform if your customer age-range is wide, say 20-50 years old.

What tactics do you recommend for a motorsports business on social media?

No matter which platform your business leverages, the key is to loosen up and have fun. The age of cold, generic calls-to-action and boring graphics is long gone. Instead, leverage the team around you and have them create content that is relevant to your business, industry, and customer base. Take advantage of your humor, talent, and knowledge within your industry to create engaging videos and posts that resonate within your industry. Remember, motorsports may be your business, but it is and always will be an entertainment industry, whether your niche within it is not.

What factors determine how our page and content performs on social media?

No matter what your product or service is, it's critical to cater to what each social media platform values. It varies for each platform, but at the end of the day, each social media platform uses algorithms to determine which posts and pages to promote to serve their bottom line. If your key social media channel is Facebook, focus on content that generates engagement, watch time, and shares. For YouTube, optimize your content to maximize video view percentage, keyword optimization and and engagement. For short-form content like TikTok, Reels, Shorts. etc., edit your videos to catch the eye immediately and keep the viewer engaged in the video as long as possible.

What is your approach to measuring ROI?

Whether you're using RedDriver's marketing software, or utilizing our digital marketing services, we automate our analytics and reporting for you. Many of our marketing solutions will have real-time reporting direct to you, where other digital marketing executions like social media ads and SEO require more time to actualize data, we make it a priority for you to understand your exact return on each and every marketing execution.

Can you assist with merchandise and brand marketing for motorsports teams?

Short answer: Yes.

Many of our clients are race teams who rely heavily on merchandise sales to get them down the road. We focus on getting your apparel in front of fans, and optimizing the path of purchase. Reducing the click-count to purchase, improving social media posts, growing social media pages and cross-promotion are just some of the solutions we leverage to increase monetization for race teams.

Can you assist with motorsports content creation?

Yes. We come from a content creation background within motorsports, and consult most of our clients on strategies and ways to optimize their content creation.

Our Team

Founder: Brennan Rogers

After competing in dirt track racing early on in life, I focused my energy behind the scenes of the motorsports industry. First, working with Loudpedal Productions as a Cameraman and Editor. I was then hired on as a Marketing Specialist at FloRacing, before moving on to become Senior Marketing Specialist and Monetization Specialist for FloSports.

Since I was a kid at Ventura Raceway, begging for autographs and a chance to sit in a Sprint Car, I've always felt that the racetrack was my home. My goal with RedDriver is to help the racing industry as much as its helped me.

Our Standards

Being Relevant

We want to help you be relevant so you can serve your customers at a higher level.

Maximum Growth

Our goal is to help give you the tools & resources to maximize your growth.

Positive Impact

We want to help you amplify the positive impact you have in your community.

Cutting-Edge Technology

We strive to bring you the best business marketing tools the market has to offer.

Our mission is to empower businesses to achieve their goals

We believe the right tools and automation can help improve everyone's life. Whether you are a business owner or the very customer engaging with that business.

We've built an all-in-one customer experience marketing platform to help your business with:


Customer Communication

Lead Capture

Payment Simplification

And So Much More!

Chat With Us

Our consultations are one-on-one, giving you the chance to ask questions and get solutions tailored to your unique situation.

  1. Book your meeting with a dedicated Marketing Specialist.

  2. Tell us what your business goals and challenges are.

  3. We'll layout the optimal strategy to reach that goal.

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